FSC Policy and Standards Committee FSC / Jonathan Perugia The Policy and Standards Committee acts on behalf of, and makes recommendations for decisions to, the Board of Directors (BoD) with respect to all technical matters related to the development or revision of FSC Policies, Standards, Procedures and other normative documents. FSC / Jonathan Perugia The Policy and Standards Committee (PSC) is further mandated to take approval decisions on national standards developed by national standard development groups and to decide on FSC requirements following regular processes based on FSC’s standard setting procedure FSC-PRO-01-001 Development and Revision of FSC Requirements. In addition, the PSC provides guidance and advice on policy or standards issues (e.g. policy and standards interpretations) or in general (e.g. on position or discussion papers). The PSC is accountable to the BoD. All decisions taken by the PSC, except for approval of forest stewardship standards and for FSC requirements following regular processes, are considered as recommendations to the BoD, and have to be reported to and confirmed by the BoD. The PSC submits an annual report to the BoD, which includes a self-assessment of PSC’s work. The PSC consists of 6 FSC members, one from each of the 6 FSC sub-chambers, selected by the BoD based on an application process open to all FSC members. PSC meetings and discussions are facilitated by a neutral non-voting Chair who assists PSC members in carrying out the mandate and responsibilities given to them by the Board. Current PSC Members: Ben Vickers – Social North Georges Belmond Tchoumba - Environmental South Sarah Harris - Chair Jeanette Clarke - Social South Daniel Hall – Environmental North Kevin Jones - Economic North Lineu Siqueira - Economic South