Conserving Ecuador’s Ecosystems

Aglomerados Cotopaxi
A look at sustainable forest management in plantation forests
close up of mushrooms in ecuador
Aglomerados Cotopaxi
May 29, 2024
Category : Stories

by Miranda Mars, in collaboration with FSC Latin America and CEFOVE – FSC Ecuador

In today’s world, where environmental concerns are increasingly critical, sustainable practices have emerged as a source of hope for the future of our planet. The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) stands out as a world leader in promoting sustainable forest management and sets the standards that ensure that forests are managed in an environmentally friendly, socially beneficial, and economically viable manner. This story explores the crucial role that sustainable forest management plays in preserving and protecting ecosystems in the Cotopaxi area of Ecuador.

Aglomerados Cotopaxi is a company in the forestry industry that shows us an inspiring example of environmental management. This 45-year-old company has always worked towards environmental sustainability and, along with FSC certification, their existing sustainable practices have been deepened and improved. They show their commitment to protecting the major ecosystems that extend in and around their forest plantations, and ensure that the delicate balance of their forests remains intact. In addition, they understand the importance of preserving biodiversity, allowing the thriving of plant and animal species that call these ecosystems home. Moreover, the company actively engages with local communities, forging meaningful partnerships that nurture both the environment and the livelihoods of the people intertwined with it.

look upwards from tree trunk to canopy
Aglomerados Cotopaxi

At the foot of a majestic volcano

The Cotopaxi area of Ecuador is famous for its breathtaking landscapes and diverse ecosystems; with its majestic Cotopaxi volcano and lush forest plantations, this region offers an attractive mix of nature’s wonders. Cotopaxi’s forests are not only visually beautiful, but are also home to a wide variety of plant and animal species. These forests also act as carbon sinks, playing a crucial role in climate change mitigation. They are also of great value as a source of resources and livelihoods for local communities. The area is home to a natural wonder known as the ‘Páramo’, a unique ecosystem located at a high altitude and characterized by its cold climate, unique flora, and crucial water retention capacity. The Páramo ecosystem plays a vital role in Ecuador’s biodiversity and water resources. It acts as a natural sponge, capturing and storing rainwater, which gradually releases into rivers and streams, ensuring a constant supply of water for communities located in the lowlands. The Páramo is home to numerous unique species of plants and animals that have adapted to the extreme conditions, making it a nucleus of biological diversity. This is why it is essential to preserve and protect this fragile ecosystem to ensure the well-being of nature and people.

Aglomerados Cotopaxi, one of Ecuador’s leading forest products companies, recognizes the importance of these ecosystems and is committed to ensuring their sustainability, it has adopted the principles of sustainable forest management to guide its operations. In 2011 the company obtained FSC certification for the good management of their forests, which is evidence of their commitment to responsible and sustainable sourcing. This involves compliance with rigorous forest management standards covering social, environmental, and economic aspects. Under FSC guidelines, the company implements practices that promote reforestation, biodiversity conservation, and the protection of water resources in the Cotopaxi area. In every plant, animal, and ecosystem there are stories of adaptation and resilience. The biodiversity that coexists in the company’s plantations is a constant sign of balance and harmony. This is a reminder of the natural beauty of our environment, which invites us to know, appreciate, learn, and contribute to its permanence.

landscape view of Ecuadorian forest with volcano and sunset sky in background
Aglomerados Cotopaxi

Caring for both people and the environment

Aglomerados Cotopaxi recognizes the importance of engaging and collaborating with local communities, carrying out sustainable development projects with communities near forestry and industrial areas. For example, they provide preventive health care to school children, covering areas that the state does not reach, such as visual and oral health. They also have education and infrastructure improvement programmes, and actively supply products such as particleboard and MDF. In their economic development programme, they involve small producers, encouraging them to collect non-timber forest products such as mushrooms and medicinal plants. In addition, the company has organized a programme with local women called ‘La Tallería’, which uses leftovers from particleboard and MDF production to make bio-jewellery.

The community is actively involved in decision-making processes, respecting their knowledge and promoting sustainable livelihoods. Paúl Maldonado, anthropologist and Head of Social and Corporate Management at Aglomerados Cotopaxi, emphasizes the great importance of building relationships with nearby communities. Over the past 13 years, Paúl has contributed to the successful application of social management tools in the framework of forest management, bringing social and economic changes in the area. Crucial to this has been collaboration, dialogue, and the understanding of the perspectives and needs of the local population:

“If you don't know the people, it is impossible to structure work plans in the forest. The focus on the socioeconomic characterization of the area and the importance of maintaining a fluid dialogue served as a bridge between both parties. The greatest achievement we have made is the current absence of conflicts with the communities. We have developed close relationships with the people and celebrate important milestones together. We have become friends, hosts of festivals, and godparents to the children of community members.”

The forest is a generous provider. It provides mushrooms, medicinal herbs, and firewood to heat the homes of neighbour communities. The vast expanse of vegetation also provides pasture and ensures a continuous supply of water, which is a valuable resource. To take advantage of the potential of non-timber forest products, the community organized itself by dedicating time to exploring the forest and collecting the products, without neglecting the cattle ranching, which is their main activity in the area. Balancing both activities they coordinated their efforts, going deep into the forest in search of natural mushrooms of the best quality and flavour. For marketing, they have adopted strategies that allow them to better conserve the product. Around 30,000 kilograms of fresh mushrooms are harvested each year, and the community dehydrates them, as well as the medicinal herbs, with the help of a special oven. Thanks to this process, they can extend the life of the products and make them accessible to a wider market.

The community’s ingenuity does not stop there. By taking advantage of the forest’s generous supply, they discovered not only an alternative source of income, but also a means of maintaining the unity and cohesion of their community. To do so, they partnered with local businesses, creating a harmonious mix of forest resources and productive activities. For these communities, the forest is an essential part of their lives, and their products became a symbol of sustainable practices and environmental awareness. The success of this example serves as an inspiration to other communities, encouraging them to adopt similar initiatives. And so the forest continues to provide for the people of these communities and others, nurturing their dreams, their livelihoods, and the bond that unites them.

packaged dried mushrooms on a table
Aglomerados Cotopaxi

Uniting science, education, and conservation for future generations

Aglomerados Cotopaxi maintains a deep commitment to the development of future professionals. The company prides itself on sharing valuable knowledge and creating unforgettable experiences for each visitor. Visitors to the plantations are warmly welcomed and embark on an unforgettable journey. During a visit, participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the captivating Forestry Experience, where they will be guided by experts on a tour that begins in the nursery, where the magic of the life of new trees begins. There they will witness the care and attention given to the young plants, allowing visitors to better appreciate the sustainable growth of the forest. The tour will then lead to the cloning orchard, where the commitment and relationship of excellence and innovation in forestry practices is demonstrated. This tour showcases the beauty and importance of its protected areas, demonstrating its dedication to conservation and showing participants the flourishing biodiversity and the crucial role it plays in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. In addition, visitors are welcome to the Aglomerados Cotopaxi Bike Park, a space for sports activities such as mountain biking or hiking, which allows them to enjoy adventure and nature within the Forest Heritage.

The Ecuadorian forestry company wants future generations to have the opportunity to visit the forests of the Cotopaxi area and witness the responsible management of the environment through sustainable forestry programmes. Maintaining a connection with the public over time is crucial, as it allows companies to showcase the positive impacts of plantation forestry and their commitment to the country’s well-being.

Isabel Arteta, Sustainability and Communication Coordinator, emphasized the importance of taking a long-term perspective and recognizing the social value inherent in their initiatives:

“We recognize the importance of quantifying and communicating the additional benefits that our activities have brought to the area. By attributing tangible value to these benefits, such as improved livelihoods, we aim to show the positive impact of sustainable forest management practices over time. We always seek to engage people in our cause, encouraging clarity, awareness, and collaboration to ensure responsible forest use. By transparently sharing our practices, we aim to educate the public and foster a greater understanding of the importance of sustainable forest management.”

The company leverages its wealth of data and scientific expertise to actively contribute to national research efforts, collaborating with universities, and sharing valuable knowledge. By prioritizing education and knowledge dissemination, they empower society and help shape a better future for forests.

Eyes on the future

There is often a belief that practices that prioritize environmental conservation do not go hand in hand with economic growth. Aglomerados Cotopaxi proves otherwise. Thanks to its management, the sustainable practices adopted are also economically viable. Through FSC sustainable forest management, the company maintains a continuous supply of forest products while safeguarding the long-term health of the Cotopaxi area’s ecosystem.

trail cam picture of a bear in ecuadorian forest
Aglomerados Cotopaxi

María Gallardo, head of Forestry Research, enthusiastically explained the importance of each ecosystem service and its positive impact on the environment:

“From carbon sequestration to biodiversity conservation, water services, and healthy soil, our plantations provide many benefits. These benefits reflect our dedication to sustainability and serve as a testament to the values we stand for. Our products reflect our commitment to the environment. We are proud to showcase our work and champion sustainability in our industry. In the future, we will continue to strive tirelessly to promote a harmonious relationship between economic growth and environmental preservation.”

In line with this, Aglomerados Cotopaxi is actively seeking ways to verify the ecosystem services provided by its plantations, following the FSC Ecosystem Services Verification Procedure and collaborating closely with FSC Ecuador in this effort. Karla Salvador, National Coordinator of FSC Ecuador has expressed her pride in working hand in hand with the company and looks forward to the day when they can celebrate the company’s achievement as the first in the country to obtain FSC Ecosystem Services verification.

Aglomerados Cotopaxi’s dedication to sustainable practices sets an example and highlights the importance of prioritizing the well-being of our planet’s most valuable ecosystems. Their inspiring efforts demonstrate that economic growth and environmental and social sustainability are not mutually exclusive, but can coexist in harmony.

This is a story of commitment that fills us with inspiration and shows us that we have the tools to achieve a world in which forests thrive, ecosystems flourish, and our planet remains a sanctuary for all living things.

Together, we choose Forests For All Forever.