The highest decision making body in FSC FSC / Juan López The board of directors is the highest decision-making body in the organization after the FSC General Assembly. The FSC membership elects four members each from the economic, social, and environmental chambers to guide and provide oversight to the organization for a term of four years. FSC / Juan López Social Chamber Zandra Martinez Vice-chairperson Social South Individual Mexico Linda Fienberg FSC / Arturo Escobar Linda Fienberg Social North Individual Australia FSC / Arturo Escobar Marcus Colchester Social North Individual United Kingdom Mark Asante Ofori FSC / Arturo Escobar Mark Asante Ofori Social South UTB. TP. BPS Ghana Economic chamber Elston Dzus FSC / Arturo Escobar Elston Dzus Economic North Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc. Canada Maurem Lima Alves Economic South Klabin Brazil Janne Näräkkä FSC / Arturo Escobar Janne Näräkkä Treasurer Economic North Metsäliitto Cooperative Finland Stuart Valintine FSC / Arturo Escobar Stuart Valintine Chairperson Economic South Individual Zimbabwe Environmental chamber Lincoln Quevedo FSC / Arturo Escobar Lincoln Quevedo Environmental South Individual Bolivia Amanda Carvalho de Andrade Vice-chairperson Environmental South Individual Brazil Per Larsson FSC / Arturo Escobar Per Larsson Environmental North WWF Sweden Sweden Rowan Braybrook Environmental North Northwest Natural Resource Group United States Become a forest steward We all have a role to play in protecting the future of our forests. Learn how you can join the FSC ecosystem and start making a difference today. Individuals → Businesses → Forest Managers →