FSC Russia Acts to Combat Illegal Salvage Logging in the Country

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FSC Russia Acts to Combat Illegal Salvage Logging in the Country

FSC / Milan Reška
Upwards shot of tree in forest in spring
FSC / Milan Reška
December 8, 2020

Growing concerns over illegal salvage logging in the Russian Federation prompted FSC Russia to launch a study to assess the risks of illegal timber – especially timber obtained illegally through salvage logging – entering FSC supply chains.

FSC Introduces New Okoume Transaction Verification

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FSC Introduces New Okoume Transaction Verification

iStock.com / LuPa Creative
Close-up of a leaf with waterdrops
iStock.com / LuPa Creative
July 28, 2020

The new round of transaction verification for okoume will cover FSC claims made between 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019. The deadline for certificate holders to submit requested transaction verification data is 29 September 2020.

FSC Introduces New Charcoal Transaction Verification

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FSC Introduces New Charcoal Transaction Verification

iStock.com / LuPa Creative
Close-up of a leaf with waterdrops
iStock.com / LuPa Creative
July 28, 2020

The charcoal transaction verification will cover all FSC claims made for charcoal wood products during the entire year 2019. The deadline for certificate holders to submit requested transaction verification data is 15 September 2020.

FSC Suspends Timber Trader in Netherlands for False Claims

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FSC Suspends Timber Trader in Netherlands for False Claims

FSC / Iván Castro
FSC / Iván Castro
July 9, 2020

Houthandel Houtvisie from Bergambacht has been removed from the FSC system by FSC and is no longer allowed to sell FSC-certified timber. Houtvisie was found to pass false claims to customers several times within a short period, meaning non FSC certified wood was sold as FSC certified wood.