FSC has joined 100+ NGOs supporting the #Together4Forests movement.
From 7 – 19 December, governments, NGOs, and companies will gather to see the adoption of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, which builds on the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and sets clear goals and indicators to halt biodiversity loss by 2030 and restore ecosystems by 2050.
FSC's new paper, Bringing Forests to the Forefront of Biodiversity Action, showcases how FSC solutions help a wide range of stakeholders meet global biodiversity targets (see also our biodiversity factsheet). It emphasizes the importance of forests for biodiversity and posits forest stewardship as a critical biodiversity conservation solution.
Forest certification and the Ecosystem Services Procedure are highlighted as important implementation mechanisms in the monitoring framework of the upcoming global biodiversity framework, demonstrating FSC's role as a key ally for every government, business or NGO committed to biodiversity conservation.
FSC will be active at COP 15. We will have Booth 121 at the exhibition space at the Palais des congrès. On 11 December from 18:30 – 20:00, FSC will lead an event at the Canada Pavilion on Advancing Forest Stewardship as a Biodiversity Conservation Solution.
Featuring high-level speakers including Chinese and Canadian government officials, as well as representatives of FSC, IKEA, WWF International, and Indigenous Peoples, this session will demonstrate the value of forests in measuring progress toward biodiversity goals and targets.
FSC is co-organizing and contributing to several additional events:
Leads: UN Environment/One Planet Network and Adelphi. Partners: FSC International, BfN - Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Germany), OP2B - One Planet for Business Biodiversity
Lead: World Business Council on Sustainable Development
Leads: UN Environment/One Planet network and Adelphi and FSC International
Lead: International Union of Biological Science. Co-lead: Expertise France
Lead: The Collective of Québec civil society for COP15
Address: 1439 Saint-Catherine St W
Leads: FSC International, WWF International, The Nature Conservancy