EU Regulation on Deforestation-free Products (EUDR) and the FSC mission are mutually reinforcing. We continue fighting deforestation and degradation in Europe and worldwide.
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How is FSC responding to EUDR?

Streamline your compliance journey with FSC Aligned for EUDR.

FSC is taking the guesswork and complexity out of EUDR requirements, helping certificate holders become compliant on time. By 30 December 2024, your business must be EUDR-compliant if you’re selling within or exporting from the EU. Being EUDR-compliant means showing your forest-based products are legal, not sourced from deforested land, and do not contribute to degradation.

It’s a complex task that we can help you with. Download the full fact sheet

FSC Aligned for EUDR


It is important to note that, while schemes can help meet due diligence requirements, being certified does not automatically exempt companies from their EUDR duties. All relevant actors must play their part in the fight against deforestation.

Your questions answered

Forest Managers

Register now: FSC Aligned for EUDR launch 3 July

FSC Aligned for EUDR takes the complexity out of EUDR requirements and provides a robust solution to help certificate holders become compliant on time. Join us on 3 July as we unveil this offering and how it will streamline your compliance journey.

Register now →
Ugandan forester cares for saplings
FSC Africa

FSC Aligned Certification for EUDR

The FSC Regulatory Module and FSC Risk Assessment Framework are ready on July 1 which form part of FSC EUDR Aligned. Here are some useful links to get started:

Register for an upcoming webinar:

  • Learn more about the FSC Regulatory Module, system-wide changes and Risk Assessments at our webinar on 10 July 2024 (simultaneous translation into French and Spanish offered):

  • Learn about the updated Risk Assessment Framework on 17 July 2024 (simultaneous translation into French and Spanish offered):

Stay up to date with the Regulatory Module by visiting the process page. 

Find out how EUDR applies to you on our interactive user journey

More questions about the Regulatory Module? Visit the FAQ page

Process page →
USA_Conserving habitat for threatened bats on timberlands in the heart of Appalachia
Julián Manrique

Latest on FSC Blockchain: Join a webinar

Learn more about FSC Blockchain and get common questions answered on our FSC Blockchain page. For a more detailed look, tune in to one of our upcoming webinars for clear, practical information.

Register now →

The role of FSC and other voluntary certifications in the EUDR

Robust certification can help companies meet EUDR requirements. As one of the most robust sustainable forestry solutions, FSC is strongly aligned with the EUDR legality and sustainability requirements and can help companies assess and minimize the risk that relevant forest-based products come from a land which was deforested or degraded.

Thanks to involvement in the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) – which was used to build the EUDR – FSC has acquired over 10 years of experience with the concept of due diligence and has supported companies and EU Competent Authorities in fighting illegal logging and deforestation across Europe and globally.

Wood harvesting Mexico
FSC / Jesús Antonio Moo Yam

Learn more about the EUDR

Deforestation is a main driver of the climate and biodiversity crises, and the EU contributes to it by consuming a significant share of products associated with deforestation. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has found that halting deforestation and restoring ecosystems is one of the most efficient ways to reduce COlevels and thus fighting climate change.

The EUDR aims to ensure that a set of key products traded and consumed in the EU and globally no longer contribute to deforestation and forest degradation.

Which products does EUDR apply to?

The EUDR applies to wood, rubber, palm oil, soy, beef, coffee, and cacao. Wood products, which are most connected to harvesting, have additional 'degradation-free' requirements.
Tree trunks
FSC / Jjumba Martin
Wood icon 2


Rubber icon 2


palm oil

Palm oil





coffee cacao

Coffee & Cacao

What does EUDR mean for companies?

While the EUDR is a European legislation, its implications are global. Companies placing or exporting the affected products in or from the EU market will have to conduct due diligence to confirm that the products have not been sourced from land which was deforested or degraded after 31 December 2020. Companies will also have to verify that these products are compliant with relevant legislation of the country of production, including respect for human rights, and the rights of affected Indigenous Peoples.

FSC / Marius Čepulis

How will EUDR be enforced?

The EU Competent Authorities, which are yet to be nominated, will be the organizations in charge of enforcing and implementing the EUDR. They will have access to relevant information provided by the companies or credible voluntary systems, such as the geolocation coordinates of relevant commodities.

With the help of satellite monitoring tools and DNA analysis, they will check where products come from.

Timelines and what happens next

The EUDR entered into force on 29 June 2023 and the new rules will become applicable as of 30 Dec 2024. Exemptions and specific provisions will be applicable for micro and small enterprises (SMEs).

In the next 18 months the Commission will also benchmark countries, or parts of them, and will determine their levels of deforestation risk, which could be low, standard, or high. Products from low-risk countries will be subject to a simplified due diligence procedure. Assessments from the EU Commission may be revised over time. In parallel, FSC is assessing how its standards align with the EUDR while identifying required steps to further support operators and traders to comply with it. 

Official information from the EU Commission

FSC wood Honduras
FSC / Phil Sharp

Contacts at FSC

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More on FSC & EUDR

Tree trunk
FSC / Jjumba Martin
Navigating EUDR compliance with FSC
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Forest Managers
FSC / Jesús Antonio Moo Yam
The EUDR is a reality
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