Deforestation is the process of clearing away trees from forests. It often happens due to agriculture, urbanization, mining, or natural disasters.

When forests lose trees and are degraded or converted into something else, they lose their ability to regulate the climate and be our allies in the fight against the climate crisis. Deforestation also leads to the loss of biodiversity, threatening countless species that call these forests home and disrupting ecosystems that have evolved over millennia. Moreover, the people who rely on forests for their way of life (whether for food, medicine, or income) can also face devastating consequences when those forests are destroyed. That’s why combating deforestation is vital for the health of people and our planet.

This begs the question, “What can we do about deforestation?” Here are a few of the top solutions to deforestation that individuals and businesses alike can participate in.

Table of contents: 

1. Look for the “check tree” label  

The FSC “check tree” label is the world’s most trusted symbol for sustainable forestry. It stands against deforestation while supporting fair wages and working conditions, the conservation of protected wildlife, and local community rights. Buying goods marked with the “check tree” is a small way for individuals to make a big difference. For 100% certified products, it ensures sustainable sourcing from the forest to the store.

Finished products aren’t the only place to look for the “check tree” mark. Businesses looking to source sustainable wood, rubber, paper, or other forest products can look for the “check tree” mark to maintain a sustainable supply chain. Businesses can also take this commitment a step further by becoming an FSC-certified chain of custody holder. 

Close up of a yoga mat with the FSC label on its packaging.
FSC / Dieter Kühl

What individuals can do: Support products that have the FSC “check tree” label, such as Allbirds, Paboco, Pirelli, Crate & Barrel, or H&M Group.

What businesses can do: Look for FSC-certified suppliers when sourcing materials or finished products.

2. Advocate for Indigenous rights

Advocating for Indigenous rights is a matter of social responsibility and an important environmental issue. In areas where Indigenous Peoples maintain rights over their homelands, their forests tend to remain strong and healthy for generations to come. Some forested lands where Indigenous Peoples have stewardship have lower deforestation rates than national parks. 

An Indigenous woman smiles softly at the camera while standing in a tropical forest setting.
FSC / Mary Donovan

Indigenous Peoples have a right to their land and should maintain authority to govern it as they see fit. Their thoughtful stewardship provides lasting benefits for citizens, plants, and animals across the globe.

FSC has a long history of recognizing the critical role Indigenous Peoples play in forest conservation and management. FSC is committed to partnering with Indigenous communities to help protect their rights, support sustainable forest practises, and ensure that Indigenous knowledge and values are integrated into forest management decisions.

This is reflected in initiatives like the FSC Indigenous Foundation (FSC-IF), which helps further support Indigenous Peoples' self-development, self-governance, and self-reliance through Indigenous-based solutions, multi-sectoral partnerships, and funding.

What individuals can do: Support Indigenous People’s rights in your local community’s public policies.

What businesses can do: Allow Indigenous People to maintain rights to their lands and defer to their authority on what is best for the land.

3. Choose sustainable food

About 75 per cent of all deforestation happens because of agricultural ventures. One study published by has classified the top drivers of global forest loss due to agriculture, but some of the top drivers include:

Top Deforestation Contributors in Agriculture    
Beef production  41% 
Palm oil and soybean production  18%
Cereals, excluding rice  9.6%
Vegetables, fruits, and nuts  7.3%
Rice  5.6%
Other crops  3.6%

By eating less meat or looking for more sustainably sourced options for products like cattle, palm oil, and soy, you can make a difference every time you plan a meal or grocery shop. In fact, a 2022 study by Nature found that eating just 20 per cent less meat could cut global deforestation rates in half. 

Illustration of deforestation solutions with six tips to eat more sustainably.
FSC / Jonathan Perugia

Not only can eating less meat curb deforestation, but decreasing cattle production can also lower methane emissions into the atmosphere, which are more potent greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide (CO2). While lowering methane emissions isn’t a silver bullet that will solve global warming, reducing emissions can certainly help as a step in the right direction.

What individuals can do: Try meatless Mondays to decrease the demand worldwide for cattle ranching. You can also choose to shop for food from local regenerative farms or seek out more sustainably sourced palm oil, coffee, or soy products.

What businesses can do: Use sustainable farming techniques, including regenerative farming or participating in certification programs

4. Support public policies surrounding sustainable futures

The push for sustainability goes beyond individuals and private businesses. Local and federal governments should also support sustainability and deforestation prevention efforts.

For example, President Biden of the United States issued an executive order in April 2022 for strengthening the national forests, communities, and local economies. This order calls for the inventorying of mature and old-growth forests and then creating plans for reforestation on federal, state, Tribal, and private lands.

Various other countries, like the Government of Gabon, have laws and policies regarding sustainability and deforestation as well.

These laws include, but are not limited to:

  • Forest protection laws: Laws that regulate logging practices and land usage while protecting local endangered species.   
  • Payment for ecosystem services (PES): Some governments will offer financial incentives to landowners who restore degraded land and support sustainability efforts.  
  • International agreements: Agreements like the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the 30x30 worldwide initiative, and the Paris Agreement all have unique goals that ultimately aim to combat biodiversity loss and mitigate climate change by preserving critical ecosystems. 
  • Land use planning and zoning laws: Local and federal governments often implement zoning regulations prioritizing conservation and limiting development in sensitive forest areas. 
  • Corporate responsibility laws: Some laws, such as the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), encourage or require businesses to adopt sustainable sourcing practices for products like timber, palm oil, and soy, which can all be linked to deforestation.

What individuals can do: Vote for politicians whose policies support climate change issues and other sustainable policies.

What businesses can do: Get ahead of regulations like EUDR to help maintain high sustainability standards in your company.

5. Participate in reforestation efforts  

Reforestation doesn’t happen overnight. However, when millions of individuals, landowners, and businesses take part in reforestation, the impact can be significant.

Reforestation goes beyond planting trees, although that is a significant factor. To assist in these efforts, individuals can:

  • Choose organizations that plant native tree species and advocate for sustainable forestry. 
  • Volunteer your time at local events to plant and care for trees in local communities. 
  • Support businesses that partner with sustainability organizations, such as Holmris B8, an FSC-certified furniture company that practises responsible material sourcing.     
  • Educate yourself and others on the dangers of deforestation, invasive non-native tree species, and advocate for better use of our forests. 
  • Reduce waste by reusing and recycling paper and timber products. 

What individuals can do: Donate to online or local organizations that allow you to participate in reforestation efforts by donating money to plant a native tree.

What businesses can do: Support natural regeneration in forest management practises.

6. Become FSC-certified

Preventing deforestation comes down to the practices of the land managers, those who manufacture timber products, and the consumer. FSC has created strict guidelines and a certification program to assure the responsible and sustainable use of our forests.

FSC offers various certifications for businesses that prove their dedication to sustainability principles. One of these certifications is the Chain of Custody Certification for businesses that manufacture, sell, or have any role along the supply chain of FSC-certified timber products. This can include book publishers, raw material suppliers, and even furniture manufacturers.

The Forest Management Certification is for forest owners and managers who use sustainable forestry efforts to promote economic viability, environmental protection, and adherence to social and local standards. Forest owners must follow strict forest stewardship principles to obtain and maintain this certification. When followed, these principles can keep our forests safe from deforestation while still serving consumers’ needs.  

Flow chart showing what a sustainable supply chain looks like from sustainably harvested timber to the FSC label.
FSC / Jonathan Perugia | FSC / Arturo Escobar |FSC / Jesus Antonio Moo yam | FSC / UK

What individuals can do: Reach out to brands you love and encourage them to become FSC-certified.

What businesses can do: Find the right sustainable certification and maintain the certification over time.

Learn how your business can impact our forests by becoming FSC-certified today. 

Additional resources

Learn more about protected forests and land use from the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). Read about Tree Cover Loss from the World Resources Institute. Continue learning how to get involved by promoting reforestation with One Tree Planted.


Greenpeace. (2016). Solutions to deforestation. Greenpeace USA. (Retrieved 15 March 2024) 

University of Colorado Boulder (2023) How Indigenous knowledge can help solve the climate crisis. Retrieved 15 March 2024) 

Wright, M. (2022, June 30). The deforestation solution that not enough people are talking about. Positive News. (Retrieved 15 March 2024) 

Ritchie, H., & Roser, M. (2024, January 15). Cutting down forests: what are the drivers of deforestation? Our World in Data. (Retrieved 15 March 2024) 

Guglielmi, G. (2022). Eating one-fifth less beef could halve deforestation. Nature. (Retrieved 15 March 2024) 

Regulation on Deforestation-free products. (n.d.). Environment. (Retrieved 15 March 2024) 

Biden, J. (2022, April 22). Executive order on strengthening the nation’s forests, communities, and local economies. The White House. (Retrieved 15 March 2024) 

Science (2018) Classifying drivers of global forest loss. (Retrieved 15 March 2024) 

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