Revised FSC Standard for Bulgaria published

Yana Barzova (WWF Bulgaria)
Forest Bulgaria
Yana Barzova (WWF Bulgaria)
September 3, 2024
Category : General news

Revised FSC Standard for Bulgaria published

The revised Forest Stewardship Standard for Bulgaria embodies all aspects of FSC’s most recent Principles and Criteria. The standard becomes effective on 1 January 2025.

Bird Forest Bulgaria
Neli Doncheva (WWF Bulgaria)

Forests and woodlands cover about a third of Bulgaria’s land and forest cover is increasing. The many different climatic, topographic, and hydrological conditions have resulted in a great diversity of forest ecosystems; about 65 percent of the forests are identified as being of High Conservation Value. All these forest ecosystems are important natural resources because they occur mainly on steep slopes in the upper reaches of watersheds, preventing erosion and protecting essential water sources. The indicators of the new FSC Forest Stewardship Standard, tailored to conditions in Bulgaria, will protect these vital ecosystems and improve management going forward.

Among the key aspects of the new Standard:

  • Improved transparency for certified organizations, especially state forestry units, and better dispute resolution
  • Enhanced protection in the 10 percent of certified areas that represent samples of natural ecosystems and where management is not permitted (except for restoration)
  • Total protection for old growth forests of at least 5 per cent of the certified area
  • Better silvicultural practices, to include leaving deadwood as habitat, buffer zones edging rivers and lakes, conservation of trees important for biodiversity aspects, and more natural forest restoration.

The document was developed over a period of almost three years in consultation with a full range of stakeholders including forestry practitioners, industry experts, environmentalists, science and research experts and local communities. It covers certification requirements for all forest operations in Bulgaria, including Small and Low Intensity Managed Forests.

Bird Forest Bulgaria
Neli Doncheva (WWF Bulgaria)

“In addition to timber production and ecosystem services, Bulgarian forests are important for human recreation and they provide space for more than 60 per cent of the endangered animal species in the country,” said Neli Doncheva, Chair of the FSC Standard Development Group. “I’m a keen birder and photographer myself,” she added, “so our forests are important to me personally. Beyond that, though, the new standard brings forest management in Bulgaria up-to-date and ensures a sustainable future for these valuable resources.”

For any queries on the standard, please contact Neli Doncheva, FSC Standard Development Group Chairperson ( and Yana Barzova, FSC Standard Development Group Coordinator (

The FSS for Bulgaria (English version) can be consulted in the FSC Document Centre.

A translated (into Bulgarian Language) version will be available on WWF Bulgaria website in due course.