Apply for the working group revising FSC-STD-50-001 Requirements for use of the FSC® trademarks by certificate holders

FSC Denmark
FSC Certification Resources
FSC Denmark
September 30, 2024

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is seeking candidates for a working group to revise the standard of Requirements for the use of the FSC® trademarks by certificate holders. The call for applicants is open until 17 October 2024.

The working group will comprise of five (5) members who will be selected based on the following criteria:

1. Experience in developing trademark use requirements or approving/auditing trademark use requirements or implementing/applying trademark use requirements.

2. Knowledge about one or more of the following topics would be an asset:

  • FSC Trademark use requirements for certificate holders and/ or promotional licence holders.
  • FSC certification system.
  • Supply chains, printing technologies and industry sectors involved in product labelling.
  • Basic functioning of online marketplaces/e-commerce and digital environments.
  • Good practices for drafting, substantiating, and communicating environmental claims.
  • Other certification schemes trademark use requirements.
  • Relevant legislative framework on environmental and sustainability claims.
  • Best practices to fight greenwashing and greenhushing.

For more information about this revision process, check out the process page on the FSC website here.

How to apply

Please refer to the Terms of Reference here: FSC-STD-50-001 Revision ToR 

Candidates are invited to fill in the application form and send it with their CV to Manuel Santiago Morales, at, by 17 October 2024.