Local FSC teams

FSC / Milan Reška
Have questions about certification or looking to get started? Find your local FSC team below.
Forest in spring with mountainscape in background
FSC / Milan Reška

Contact your local FSC Teams

Have questions about certification or looking to get started? Find your local FSC team below.


Africa has an estimated 636 million ha of forest - about 26 percent of land area (according to data from World Bank and FAO). From the lush Congo rainforest to the woodlands of Uganda, there is a wide range of habitats, biodiversity, and wildlife in this region. 

FSC Africa 

Website: www.africa.fsc.org 



Regional Office 

Kenya, Nairobi 

Contact: p.alele@fsc.org 


Sub-regional Offices Congo Basin 

Libreville, Gabon  and Brazzaville, Republic of Congo 

Contact: i.bionyi@fsc.org

Sub-regional Office Eastern Africa 

Kampala, Uganda 

Contact: a.agasha@fsc.org 

Sub-regional office – Southern Africa 

Pretoria, South African Republic 

Contact: r.fergusson@fsc.org


Asia Pacific

The Asia Pacific region is home to over 750 million hectares of forests – 18% of global forest cover. Southeast Asia is the world’s third-largest forested area, with its forests encompassing countless sites that are rich in biodiversity.

FSC Asia Pacific 

Address: 1 Tramway Path, Central, Hong Kong 

Contact: asiapacific@fsc.org 

Website: www.asiapacific.fsc.org


FSC Australia and New Zealand

Address: 552 Victoria St, North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3053

Contact: info@au.fsc.org 

Website: www.anz.fsc.org


FSC China 

Address: Rm 3A12, No. 11 Dongshuijing Hutong, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102, China 

Contact: info@cn.fsc.org 

Website: www.cn.fsc.org

FSC Greater Mekong - Thailand 

Address: Bangkok, Thailand 

Contact: asiapacific@fsc.org 

Website: www.asiapacific.fsc.org 

FSC Greater Mekong - Vietnam 

Address: Hanoi, Vietnam 

Contact: vu.queanh@fsc.org 

Website: www.asiapacific.fsc.org

FSC India 

Address: 10th Floor, WeWork Hebbal, RMZ Latitude, Hebbal,  Bengaluru 560024 India 

Contact: s.gairola@fsc.org  

 Website: www.asiapacific.fsc.org

FSC Indonesia 

Address: Level 3A, World Trade Center 5, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 29, Jakarta 12920, Indonesia

Contact: info@id.fsc.org 

Website: www.id.fsc.org


FSC Japan 

Address: Mushai Bldg. 5F 7-4-4- Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-Tokyo 160-0023, Japan 

Contact: n.sasamoto@jp.fsc.org  

Website: www.jp.fsc.org


FSC Malaysia 

Address: J03, Common Ground Jaya One, G.106, The Square, Jaya One, 72A, JIn Profesir Diraja Ungku Aziz, Seksyen 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia 

Contact: info@my.fsc.org 

Website: www.my.fsc.org

FSC South Korea 

Address: Wework, 10thFloor, 373 Gangnamdaero Sechogu, Seoul, South Korea

Contact: s.kwon@fsc.org 

Website: http://kr.fsc.org/




Europe has a great variety of forest types: from boreal in Siberia through temperate forests in the center to subtropical in the south around the Mediterranean Sea. Forests in the region cover 1.1 billion ha – in other words approximately a quarter of the world’s forests.

FSC Europe 

Contact: europe@fsc.org 


FSC Adria-Balkan

Contact: adriabalkan@fsc.org
Web: adria-balkan.fsc.org

FSC Belgium 

Address: Interleuvenlaan 62 Bus 28 - 3001 Heverlee (Leuven) 

Contact: info@fsc.be 

Website: www.fsc.be

FSC Czech Republic 

Address: Kounicova 299/42, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic 

Contact: info@czechfsc.cz 

Website: www.czechfsc.cz

FSC Denmark 

Address: Ryesgade 9, 2. tv., 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark  

Contact: hej@dk.fsc.org

Website: www.dk.fsc.org

FSC Estonia 

Address: Kastani 42, 50410 Tartu, Estonia 

Contact: info@ee.fsc.org 

Website: www.ee.fsc.org

FSC Finland 

Address: Vastuullisen metsänhoidon yhdistys ry, Siltasaarenkatu 4, 7. krs, 00530, Helsinki, Finland

Contact: info@fi.fsc.org 

Website: www.fi.fsc.org

FSC France 

Address: Résidence Hoche – Bâtiment A, 8 Boulevard de la Paix, 56000 Vannes, France 

Contact: info@fr.fsc.org 

Website: www.fr.fsc.org 

FSC Germany 

Address: FSC Germany Merzhauser Str. 74, 79100 Freiburg, Germany

Postfach 5810, 79026 Freiburg, Germany

Contact: info@fsc-deutschland.de 

Website: www.fsc-deutschland.de

FSC Italy 

Address: Via Ugo Foscolo, 12 - 35131 Padua (PD) Italy 

Contact: info@fsc-italia.it 

Website: www.it.fsc.org 

FSC Latvia 

Contact: a.pivoriunas@lt.fsc.org 

Website: www.lv.fsc.org

FSC Lithuania 

Contact: a.pivoriunas@lt.fsc.org 

Website: www.lt.fsc.org

FSC Luxembourg 

Address: 1, rue Collart, L-8414 Steinfort, Luxemburg 

Contact: fsclux@pt.lu 

Website: www.lu.fsc.org

FSC Netherlands 

Address: Niasstraat 1, 3531 WR Utrecht, The Netherlands 

Contact: info@nl.fsc.org

Website: www.fsc.nl

FSC Norway

Address: Post Box 23, 3051 Mjøndalen 

Email: a.bjurulf@no.fsc.org

Web site: https://no.fsc.org

FSC Poland 

Address: Lumen Building Złote Tarasy, ul. Złota 59 00-120 Warsaw, Poland 

Contact: fsc-polska@pl.fsc.org 

Website: www.pl.fsc.org

FSC Portugal 

Address: Rua Mestre de Lima Freitas nº 1, 1549-012 Lisboa Portugal 

Contact: geral@pt.fsc.org 

Website: www.pt.fsc.org

FSC Spain 

Address: C/ Arlabán 7, 4a Planta. Oficina 41, 28014 Madrid, Spain 

Contact: informacion@es.fsc.org 

Website: www.es.fsc.org

FSC Sweden 

Address: St. Olofsgatan 18, 75311 Uppsala, Sweden 

Contact: kontakt@se.fsc.org 

Website: www.se.fsc.org

FSC Switzerland 

Address: Letzigraben 23, 8003 Zürich, Switzerland 

Contact: info@fsc-schweiz.ch 

Website: www.ch.fsc.org

FSC Ukraine 

Address: Vasylkivska str. 14, office 307-А, 03040, Kyiv, Ukraine 

Contact: p.kravets@ua.fsc.org 

Website: www.ua.fsc.org

FSC United Kingdom 

Address: The Billiard Room, Town Hall, Great Oak Street, Llanidloes, Powys, SY18 6BN, United Kingdom  

Contact: info@fsc-uk.org 

Website: www.uk.fsc.org

FSC Romania 

Contact: m.boghean@fsc.org  a.popa@fsc.org

Website: www.ro.fsc.org

FSC Turkey

Contact:  s.baycura@fsc.org

Website: www.tr.fsc.org



Latin America

Home to the world’s largest forest – the Amazon Rainforest, which itself is over 525 million ha – Latin America is the most biodiverse region in the world. Nearly 1 billion ha of forests cover this region. 

FSC Argentina 

Address: Maipú 645 – 2do Cuerpo, P.B. Dpto 2, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina 

Contact: info@ar.fsc.org

Website: www.ar.fsc.org/


FSC Bolivia 

Address: Calle Mario Flores 131, Santa Cruz, Bolivia 

Contact: cfv@bo.fsc.org  


Website: www.bo.fsc.org/


FSC Brazil 

Address: Rua Cubatão, 436 – Conjunto 11 – Vila Mariana 04013-001 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil  

Contact: info@fsc.org.br 

Website: www.br.fsc.org/


FSC Chile 

Address: Aníbal Pinto 215, Oficina 505,Concepción, Chile 

Contact: r.massai@cl.fsc.org 

Website: www.cl.fsc.org/


FSC Ecuador 

Address: Edificio de las Cámaras, República y Amazonas, Piso 7, Quito - Ecuador 

Contact: cefove@ec.fsc.org 

Website: www.ec.fsc.org/


FSC Guatemala 

Address: 7a Avenida 6-80, zona 13, Guatemala 

Contact: ongua@fsc.org 

Website: www.gt.fsc.org/


FSC Honduras 

Address: Edificio ICF, Frente Aparthotel Pico Bonito, Caretera Ceiba Tela, La Ceiba Atiantida Honduras 

Contact: ch-cfv@hn.fsc.org 

Website: www.ho.fsc.org/


FSC Mexico 

Address: Nohbec, Municipio Felipe Carillo Puerto Q, Roo Mexico CP 

Contact: mexico@fsc.org 

Website: www.mx.fsc.org/



FSC Peru 

Lima, Perú 

Contact: fsc@fsc.org.pe 

Website: www.pe.fsc.org/ 





North America

From boreal and coastal forests in Canada to the temperate and tropical forests of the United States, this region spans a great variety of forest types. There are 660 million ha of forests in North America. 

FSC Canada 

Address: 240 Richmond Street W, Toronto, ON M5V 1V6, Canada 

Contact: info@ca.fsc.org 

Website: www.ca.fsc.org/en-ca  

FSC United States 

Address: 1441 Woodmont Ln NW #539 Atlanta, GA 30318

Contact: info@us.fsc.org 

Website: www.us.fsc.org/en-us 


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