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Chain of custody certification is how the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) verifies that forest-based materials produced according to our rigorous standards are credibly used along the product’s path from the forest to becoming finished goods.
The FSC label on a finished product signals that the materials used during production have met the chain of custody requirements at every step in the supply chain, from sourcing to distribution.
To qualify for chain of custody certification your organization must implement a management system that ensures the following.
You must also meet FSC’s core labour requirements, including:
*Ipsos Global Consumer Awareness Survey for FSC, June 2023
To start the chain of custody certification process, contact your local FSC team. They can provide specific details for your region and help get you started.
The general process will include the following steps:
Only third-party, accredited certification bodies can conduct audits and certify your organization. You’ll have the opportunity to select an independent body to work with.
Your application will detail the steps your organization is taking to meet the FSC certification requirements. Your chosen certification body can help you understand which FSC requirements apply to you.
Your certification body will conduct an assessment to verify that you are following all appropriate standards and policies.
Submit the information FSC requests you to provide by filling up the questionnaire in FSC Check before signing the Trademark License Agreement to become a certificate holder.
Once you receive certification approval, you can begin producing and selling FSC-certified products.
Your certification body will conduct annual audits to assess conformance to your chain of custody certification.
FSC offices or representatives do not issue certificates. To obtain certification, interested applicants must contact an independent certification body. FSC offices and representatives can assist in obtaining contacts to certification bodies operating in a specific country.
Our group certification programme makes it easier and more affordable for smaller companies to earn a chain of custody certification. Specific criteria for group certification vary by market but, in general, companies with fewer than 25 employees and less than US$1 million in annual turnover may be eligible.
Learn more by contacting your local FSC team.
Your local FSC team is here to guide you through the certification process.
Chain of custody certification is designed for companies that produce and distribute forest-based products.
This includes organizations that do the following.
Most retailers that don’t manufacture finished goods do not need chain of custody certification. A promotional licence is a better fit for these organizations.
However, if you sell FSC-certified building products that your customers will report to green building programmes, you will need chain of custody certification. Contact your local FSC team for more information.
Cost and duration of the certification process can vary from case to case. For more information get in touch with your local FSC team.
FSC does not conduct auditing because it would be a conflict of interest if we evaluated compliance to our own standards. Independent certification bodies ensure that the FSC standards are applied fairly and consistently to all organizations. They bring equity to the certification process and reduce the risk of standards being compromised to favor a single company, industry, or group.
We offer a variety of certification and licence programmes to ensure that businesses of all sizes and needs can become a force for our forests.
The complete set of requirements for chain of custody certification can be found in the FSC Chain of Custody Certification Standard.