As environmental challenges escalate, the planet’s health – and humanity’s future – are increasingly at risk. While climate change is a nuanced issue, sustainable forestry is one solution that can help save the Earth and all its inhabitants.

Sustainable forestry involves responsibly managing forest resources to balance social, ecological, and economic interests. This is essential for climate mitigation and for the conservation of resources that millions of people depend on for their livelihoods. Additionally, forests provide recreational and spiritual benefits for local communities that sustainable forestry helps protect. 

In fact, forests managed according to the Forest Stewardship Council’sⓇ (FSCⓇ) rigorous requirements have shown a 17 per cent average increase in carbon stocks over a management cycle. This means a forest’s ability to capture and store carbon improves when managed sustainably. 

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How we save Earth: Actions for a sustainable future

The planet is currently facing unprecedented environmental challenges, driven largely by human activities.

Climate change is accelerating, with rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, and shrinking natural resources becoming the norm. Deforestation, habitat destruction, and pollution are contributing to biodiversity loss, threatening countless species and disrupting vital ecosystems. Additionally, oceans are warming, ice caps are melting, and the increasing carbon footprint from industries and individuals alike is intensifying the strain on the Earth's fragile systems.

Due to their ability to implement far-reaching, impactful policies and practices, businesses and global leaders must shoulder the bulk of addressing climate change. However, individuals also have opportunities to take meaningful action.

Below are a few actionable ways each of these groups can support a more sustainable future.

How individuals can help save the planet How businesses can help save the planet How governments can help save the planet
Choose sustainable products certified by credible schemes like FSC. Adopt sustainability certifications like FSC. Create and enforce policies that protect forests.
Advocate for environmental and social protections, like anti-deforestation standards. Audit of your supply chain to ensure it aligns with sustainability goals. Incentivize businesses to adopt sustainability certifications with credible organizations like FSC.
Reduce your carbon footprint. Audit of your carbon footprint and define a strategy to minimize it while supporting reforestation and conservation projects.

Audit of your carbon footprint and define a strategy to minimize it. Budget to help restore and conserve vital ecosystems.

Support businesses that prioritize sustainability. Partner with multiple environmental organizations. Promote Indigenous land rights.
Educate others on the importance of sustainability. Promote sustainability efforts to highlight their positive impact. Collaborate on global forest conservation initiatives.

Collective action is powerful, but businesses and global leaders have the greatest ability to make a lasting impact. By adopting sustainable practices, like responsible forest management, they can help protect the planet and ensure a more sustainable future for all.  

Read on to discover six key ways corporations and global leaders can leverage sustainable forestry practices to help protect the environment and why forests matter for humanity and the Earth. 

1. Minimizing deforestation and forest degradation

Impact: When we take steps to ensure forests are managed responsibly, forests can regenerate and maintain their ecological balance.

Sustainable forestry is essential in minimizing deforestation and forest degradation, both of which have devastating consequences for the planet. Deforestation affects climate change by diminishing a forest’s ability to store carbon, regulate water cycles, and support biodiversity. This accelerates climate change, threatens wildlife habitats, and impacts the millions of people who depend on forests.

Governments can help save the environment and limit deforestation through initiatives like the new EU Regulation on Deforestation-free Products (EUDR). This legislation requires companies in the EU to ensure their products are not sourced from newly deforested or degraded land and must comply with laws from the country of production, including respecting overall human rights – specifically the rights of affected Indigenous Peoples.

Businesses can also take a stand by finding a certification or licence that supports responsible forestry and promotes sustainable sourcing from forests.

Real-life example: YG Entertainment is a great example of a company that has partnered with FSC to promote sustainable forestry in the K-pop industry.

The global music label is committed to sustainable album production, using environmentally friendly materials (such as FSC-certified paper, soy ink, and water-based coatings) for artists’ albums and merchandise packaging.  

2. Capturing and storing carbon dioxide

Impact: Forests also play a critical role as carbon sinks, absorbing and storing carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the atmosphere. This natural process helps mitigate the impact of human-caused carbon emissions, which can damage the planet.

Healthy forests capture approximately 16 billion metric tonnes of global CO₂ emissions annually, making them an essential climate change solution. However, deforestation and forest degradation reduces forests’ ability to sequester carbon and releases stored carbon back into the atmosphere, further exacerbating the environmental crisis.

Forests managed according to FSC requirements show a 17 per cent average increase in carbon stocks over a management cycle.

Protecting and managing forests sustainably is key to maintaining their role as carbon sinks. Businesses, governments, and individuals must play their part to help amplify the impact of sustainable forestry in carbon sequestration and limit their own carbon footprints.

Real-life example: One example of this work can be seen in FSC’s collaboration with the Uganda Timber Growers Association (UTGA) to help restore and protect 1,000 ha of degraded forest landscapes in the West Bugwe Central Reserve.

Three years since the project began, the area saw over 180,000 new trees planted, the restoration of native species, and remarkable progress in carbon sequestration. Their efforts support forests so they can continue to act as vital carbon sinks – which supports local economies and the Earth as a whole.  

3. Protecting biodiversity and essential ecosystems

Impact: By adopting sustainable forestry practices, such as responsible harvesting and habitat preservation, we can help safeguard forest health and protect the diverse species that rely on them.

Sustainable forestry supports the health of vital ecosystems, ensuring that the natural habitats of animals, plants, and microorganisms are maintained. This biodiversity is critical for the environment and human well-being, as it supports clean air, fresh water, pollination of crops, and resilience against climate change.

FSC Canada is putting this positive impact into action by partnering with governments and First Nations communities on the west coast to help preserve 550,000 hectares for their woodland caribou. These animals not only help support biodiversity, they also foster a traditional way of life for bordering Indigenous communities.

Real-life example: The eco-friendly football stadium in Lesotho is another prime example of corporations protecting biodiversity. In addition to utilizing FSC-certified forest materials, the stadium's design incorporates Indigenous plants and promotes climate education.

This further contributes to biodiversity conservation and demonstrates how corporations can integrate sustainability into their operations to positively impact the environment. 

4. Uplifting Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and economies

Impact: For generations, Indigenous Peoples have been stewards of the land, safeguarding approximately 80 per cent of the world’s biodiversity. By supporting the rights and practices of Indigenous Peoples, businesses and global leaders can contribute to saving the Earth.

These Indigenous practices rely on deep ecological knowledge which is passed down through centuries. This includes traditional methods such as controlled burns, selective harvesting, and rotational farming – all of which can help maintain the health of forests.

An Indigenous person wearing a headdress and glasses gazes up at the tree canopy.
FSC Brasil / Célio Cavalcante Filho

Indigenous Peoples’ history balancing human needs and environmental health demonstrates how forests and businesses can thrive when managed responsibly and sustainably. By aligning with their sustainable forestry practices, corporations and governments can play a pivotal role in uplifting and empowering Indigenous communities – pushing us all toward a more sustainable future.

This includes investing in Indigenous-led conservation efforts and supporting local economies without irresponsibly depleting natural resources. Moreover, corporations and global leaders must also ensure that Indigenous Peoples’ rights to land ownership, resource access, and traditional practices are upheld.

Each of these factors are a requirement for any entity wishing to obtain FSC certification, reflecting FSC’s commitment to empowering Indigenous communities. The FSC Indigenous Foundation further strengthens this mission by ensuring Indigenous knowledge and leadership are central to sustainable forest management practices.

Real-life example: The Association for Integral Research and Development (AIDER) serves as a valuable example of how global leaders can help strengthen Indigenous communities and promote sustainable development. By providing support and resources, the AIDER helps empower Indigenous Peoples and local communities so they can continue leading conservation efforts in the Amazon rainforest.

5. Supporting more ethical and sustainable production and consumption

Impact: Sustainable forestry practices help prioritize ecological health and biodiversity, allowing us to source materials more sustainably and contribute to saving the planet.

Sustainable forestry practices are key to creating ethically sourced products and supporting more sustainable business models and supply chains that benefit the planet. By ensuring that forests are managed in ways that prioritize ecological health, biodiversity, and the rights of workers and local communities, sustainable forestry enables businesses to source materials responsibly.

This shift toward ethical and sustainable consumption is crucial to saving the earth, as unsustainable practices can lead to biodiversity loss and the depletion of vital ecosystems. Businesses and global leaders have a critical role to play in supporting these sustainable models.

  • For corporations: Integrating sustainably sourced materials into their supply chains helps reduce their environmental footprint and aligns them with consumer demand for eco-friendly products.
  • For governing bodies: Governments can establish and enforce laws that protect forests, promote sustainable forestry practices, and hold businesses accountable for their environmental impact.

FSC is at the forefront of these efforts by striving to ensure that products carrying its certification come from responsibly managed forests. FSC-certified products guarantee that forests are managed with strict environmental, social, and economic standards, protecting ecosystems and supporting fair labour practices. FSC also helps governments balance their goals with the needs of the environment by offering FSC certification for public forests.

Real-life example: Imago Publishing’s commitment to FSC certification and sustainable production demonstrates how businesses can prioritize ethical practices. Imago contributes to environmental protection efforts by ensuring its products are sourced from responsibly managed forests and implementing rigorous systems to maintain the chain of custody. 

6. Safeguarding the planet’s wetlands and water supply

Impact: The protection of watersheds is a key factor in saving the planet, yet they’re disappearing three times faster than forests.

Businesses and government leaders can make a lasting and positive impact on the planet by safeguarding watersheds and water resources through sustainable forestry practices.

When forests are managed sustainably, their root systems stabilize soil, prevent sediment from clogging waterways, and maintain healthy water cycles. This, in turn, ensures that rivers, lakes, and wetlands receive clean, consistent supplies of water, which is crucial for biodiversity and agriculture. That is why FSC-certified forests are managed with a focus on preserving these vital water resources.

Companies can prioritize sourcing materials from FSC-certified forests (which are managed to preserve vital water resources), while governments can enact policies that incentivize sustainable forestry and protect watersheds through legislation and funding for conservation projects.

A graphic highlights six key ways sustainable forestry can help save the Earth.

Investing in sustainable forest management allows businesses and governments to help secure the planet’s water supply while also supporting local economies.

Real-life example: In South Africa, for instance, FSC-certified forest management practices are conserving wetlands that are essential for water purification and flood prevention. These wetlands support local biodiversity and contribute to sustainable water resource management across the region.

Whether you’re approaching stewardship as an individual, a business professional, or a member of government, the steps you take today can help protect our forests and safeguard the future of the Earth. 

Additional resources

To learn more about how sustainable forestry and other environmental practices can help save the Earth, readers can explore the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). This provides valuable insights into global environmental initiatives, such as the Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, which aims to protect ecosystems worldwide. Readers can also explore the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which focuses on sustainable practices and the conservation of vital habitats across the globe. Their reports highlight the significance of preserving forests in mitigating climate change and promoting biodiversity.

The Global Forest Watch platform also offers real-time data on forest change, enabling users to track deforestation and conservation efforts around the world. By leveraging these resources, individuals can better understand their role in promoting sustainability and actively contribute to the health of our planet.


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