Global Leadership FSC is led by Director General, Ms. Subhra Bhattacharjee, since October 2024. Subhra has more than 20 years of experience in sustainable development, climate change, and poverty. Her policy work in particular provides her with experience across a range of contexts, including highly politicized environments. Her diverse roles have included positions in central banking, academia, and as an international civil servant with the United Nations. Chief Operating Officer Marion Barriskell Regional Director for Latin America Bruno Rath Regional Director Asia Pacific Cindy Cheng Regional Director for Europe Clare Coleman Acting Chief Markets Officer Fabian Farkas FSC Membership Director Guillermina Garza Policy and Performance Director Joanna Nowakowska Global Network Director Lieske van Santen Chief System Integrity Officer Marc Jessel Director of FSC Investments and Partnerships Mark Smith Director FSC Indigenous Foundation Minnie Degawan Regional Director for Africa Dr. Peter O. Alele Regional Director for North America Sarah Kutulakos International Board of Directors The Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body in the organization after the FSC General Assembly. The FSC membership elects four members each from the economic, social, and environmental chambers to guide and provide oversight to the organization for a term of four years. Meet the Board of Directors → FSC Policy and Standards Committee The Policy and Standards Committee acts on behalf of the Board of Directors (BoD) with respect to technical matters related to the development or revision of FSC Policies, Standards, Procedures and other FSC normative documents. Meet the Policy and Standards Committee → Become a forest steward We all have a role to play in protecting the future of our forests. Learn how you can join the FSC ecosystem and start making a difference today. Individuals → Businesses → Forest Managers →