Reinstating Annual Administration Fees for All Types of Certifications in Ukraine FSC / Anna Trutneva FSC / Anna Trutneva Enero 28, 2025 Categoría : Noticias generales Starting 1 January 2025, a phased-in approach is implemented for the Annual Administration Fees (AAF) for certifications in Ukraine. FSC had previously decided to waive the Annual Administration Fee (AAF) for all types of certifications in Ukraine from Q2/2022 until the end of Q4/2024, regardless of their certification status. However, in August 2024, FSC decided to reinstate the AAF for certifications in Ukraine starting 1 January 2025 in a phased approach. The Advice Note FSC-ADV-20-005-01: Reinstating the Annual Administration Fee for all types of certifications in Ukraine serves to implement this decision. Timeline of Reinstatement From Q2/2022 to Q4/2024: FSC does not charge AAF from certification bodies for all types of certifications in Ukraine. From 01 January 2025: FSC charges the AAF from certification bodies for all types of certifications in Ukraine as follows: a) First year (Q1/2025 – Q4/2025): 1/3 of the standard calculated AAF; b) Second year (Q1/2026 – Q4/2026): 2/3 of the standard calculated AAF; c) Third year onward (from Q1/2027): full standard calculated AAF. Certifications in Conflict Zones FSC will continue to waive the AAF for a certification that is fully suspended in accordance with INT-ADV-20-001-12_02 due to being in conflict zones in Ukraine. The AAF for such a certification will be charged again, in the following quarter when the suspension is lifted, according to the phase applicable above. For a certification that is partially suspended (specific site or management unit) or has its scope reduced due to being in a conflict zone, the AAF will only be charged for the sites/MUs outside of the conflict zone which are not subject to the partial suspension or reduced scope. Questions? For the full context, please visit the Advice Note. If you have any questions about this Advice Note, please contact