FSC Blog Enhance your knowledge on forests, forest management and other nature solutions for corporates and individuals. What is sustainable forestry? Practices & benefits Sustainable forestry balances society’s demands for forest products and benefits with preservation tactics. Sustainable forestry → FSC / Jonathan Perugia Forest management: Practical tools for thriving forests A sustainable future on earth depends on healthy, resilient forests. Intentional forest management makes the journey tan... Forest management → Jonathan Perugia What is deforestation and how do we prevent it? Deforestation occurs when people convert forested lands for non-forest purposes. This loss has devastating impacts on ou... What is deforestation → FSC / Jjumba Martin What are the best solutions to climate change? Learn about climate change solutions that can help mitigate the ongoing threat of climate change, from reforestation eff... Climate change solutions → FSC Brazil / Célio Cavalcante Filho Why forests matter for the climate Forests capture and store carbon dioxide - one of the greenhouse gases that contributes to climate change. Forests and the climate → FSC/ Emilio White Instagram Twitter Facebook LinkedIn TikTok YouTube FSC What is sustainable forestry? Practices & benefits Sustainable forestry balances society’s demands for forest products and benefits with preservation tactics to keep forests healthy for future generations. Sustainable forestry → unsplash.com / Noah Buscher Forest management: Practical tools for thriving forests A sustainable future on earth depends on healthy, resilient forests. Intentional forest management makes the journey tangible. Forest management → WE & Midjourney Bot What is deforestation and how do we prevent it? Deforestation occurs when people convert forested lands for non-forest purposes.This loss has devastating impacts on our planet. What is deforestation → Deforestation in Europe: 5 world-changing EU regulations Explore the history of deforestation in Europe and how the EU is tackling deforestation with new policies and initiatives. Deforestation in Europe → FSC / Bablu Singh What are the best solutions to climate change? Learn about climate change solutions that can help mitigate the ongoing threat of climate change, from reforestation efforts to climate-friendly transportation. Climate change solutions → FSC / Bablu Singh 44 sustainability certifications for businesses and professionals Learn about 44 sustainability certifications for businesses, projects, and individuals dedicated to sustainability principles. Sustainability certifications → 6 solutions to deforestation and how you can help Fight forest loss with local and global efforts. Discover six solutions to deforestation, including FSC resources. Solutions to deforestation → What is sustainability and why does it matter? Why is sustainability important? Explore what makes sustainability essential for businesses, people, and the planet. Why is sustainability important? → 9 deforestation facts to know in 2024 (plus solutions) Deforestation is a leading cause of climate change. Here are nine deforestation facts, plus tips to help protect forest ecosystems and the planet. Deforestation facts → FSC / All paper and wood products are certified 9 sustainable business practices + actionable examples Explore 9 sustainable business practices that protect the Earth and showcase your business values, from energy-efficient offices to supply chain tips. Sustainable business practices → FSC / Phil Sharp Sustainable supply chain: Benefits for business and Earth Sustainable supply chains support social and environmental well-being, and long-term initiatives protect organizations from social, legal, and climate risks. Sustainable supply chains → iStock.com / Lisa Beeby What is a circular economy? How it works and why it matters Learn more about circular economy principles and why they are crucial for a sustainable future for businesses and society alike. Circular economy → FSC / (Nespoli Deutschland) What is greenwashing? Exposing deceptive tactics Greenwashing creates the impression of sustainability through false or misleading claims. Learn how to avoid greenwashing and find sustainable alternatives. What is Greenwashing → FSC / Jesús Antonio Moo Yam 19 supply chain certifications for you and your company Learn about the top sustainable supply chain certifications for both professionals and companies to benefit your career or bottom line. Supply chain certifications → FSC UK_O.Barber 12 ways to help the environment as a business or individual Businesses and individuals can make a difference: Discover the top 12 actionable ways to help the environment. Help the environment → FSC Portugal What is a carbon footprint? Explore its history and why it matters Curious about your carbon footprint? This guide dives into how your daily choices affect it and how to reduce it. Carbon footprint → Interholco / Tullia Baldassarri 6 ways sustainable forestry helps save the Earth Discover 6 ways sustainable forestry can help save the Earth, plus actionable tips to help protect the planet. Save the Earth → Dense forest with pinecones littering ground FSC Belgium / Jan de Ridder What is climate change and why is it important to address? Explore what climate change is, what causes it, and why it's important to address. Why is climate change important? → 5 ways deforestation affects climate change Learn how deforestation releases CO₂ and disrupts ecosystems that regulate greenhouse gases. How deforestation affects climate change → 8 good news stories about climate change in 2024 Read 8 stories that show reducing carbon emissions, improving biodiversity, and protections for the planet Earth. Good news about climate change → iStock.com / sculpies What is sustainable construction? 4 considerations & examples Learn sustainable construction principles and why they matter with real-life examples. What is sustainable construction? → FSC / Jjumba Martin Purchasing guide: What does ethically sourced mean? Ethically sourced material procurement prioritises workers’ rights, environmental well-being, and regulatory compliance. What does ethically sourced mean? → iStock.com / recep-bg Follow our podcast Interviews with experts from different sectors, covering topics from value chains to digitalization. Explore podcasts →