Introducción a FSC Trace

Transformar la Integridad de las Cadenas de Suministro

Transform supply chain integrity and traceability through blockchain technology

FSC Trace (formerly FSC Blockchain) is a secure record of verified transactions and sourcing data designed to ensure seamless compliance verification of materials at every stage of supply chains. / Olemedia
Ugandan forester cares for saplings
FSC Africa
Close shot of honeycomb / Iana Miroshnichenko

Platform Overview→             Blockchain for EUDR→                      Sign up→                   See the FAQs→

Introducing FSC Trace

FSC Trace is not just a technological upgrade. It is a strategic enhancement to our certification process, to ensure that from the forest to the shelf, every product's journey is sustainable, compliant, and efficiently managed. Built on blockchain technology, the platform enables participants to confidentially, flexibly, and efficiently access and exchange relevant data to assist with verification, due diligence and demonstrate conformity with evolving regulations.

Participation is optional for FSC certificate holders or those with an FSC promotional licence.

Download fact sheet

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iStock / Sitthiphong

¿Cómo puedo obtener acceso a FSC Trace?

FSC Trace se encuentra ahora en el modo Beta, sometida a rigurosas pruebas en cadenas de suministro seleccionadas como piloto.  La meta es perfeccionar y optimizar su funcionalidad con base en escenarios del mundo real y comentarios de usuarios.  Anticipamos abrir la plataforma a todos los titulares de certificados y a los titulares de Licencias Promocionales FSC, de manera voluntaria, a partir de agosto de 2024. Se anticipa que en octubre de 2024 se lanzarán funciones adicionales, como informes especializados para EUDR y la conexión con FSC Risk Hub. Este enfoque gradual nos permite asegurar una transición sin contratiempos, promoviendo la colaboración y la retroalimentación de diversos actores interesados de la comunidad FSC. 

Why empower your supply chain with FSC Trace?

Data flow / Gremlin

Data flow

Seamless data flow throughout the entire supply chain to deliver both verification and traceability, if the entire chain is on the platform and users allow for this data to be shared. This includes verifiable information such as species, geolocation, and time of harvest.*

EU and FSC

EU compliance

Fully aligned with upcoming and existing regulations in the EU region, ensuring compliance with evolving standards.

person with a phone / PeopleImages

Reduction of administrative burdens

Potential to reduce administrative burden by automating various elements of the certification process. This includes the generation of Volume summaries, product group lists, species lists and supplier certification validation.

Supporting FSC licence holders in regulatory compliance and EUDR

The platform is designed to assist FSC Certificate Holders to comply with regulations like the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). Utilizing the FSC Trace in combination with tools like the forthcoming FSC Regulatory Module enhances the verification process, enriches data, and connects claims across supply chains. This not only aids in regulatory compliance but also supports sustainable and responsible business practices.

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Verification of Suppliers

FSC Trace enables instant verification of your suppliers' certification status during transactions, ensuring you source from certified, EUDR-conformant sources.

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Comprehensive Data Collection

The platform records vital details about raw materials in FSC certified products, such as geographic origin, harvest time, species, and product groups.

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Transmission of Legality Documents

FSC Trace provides a mechanism to attach concession agreements, harvesting licences, export permits, and other documents necessary to demonstrate a product has been sourced legally, with those documents associated directly with the relevant products, and thus available to you and downstream trading partners whenever needed.

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Verified Traceability

The blockchain provides verifiable information about the products you trade, tracing the product back to the source forest* and harvesting site, as required by EUDR.

See FSC Aligned for EUDR  →

Continuous Development for Enhanced Usability

Our commitment to innovation extends beyond the beta phase. Throughout 2025, FSC Trace will receive regular iterative releases to improve the user interface and make new features available. Additional features will be systematically integrated to add further value for FSC licence holders, and ensure tight alignment with new regulatory requirements. 

Girl wiht lap top
© / Gorodenkoff

These ongoing efforts are geared towards  significantly reducing the administrative burden associated with certification and regulatory compliance, making FSC Trace an invaluable tool for streamlined and efficient supply chain management. 

Get started with data readiness today!

Many FSC Licence holders are eager to prepare for FSC Trace, even though the platform has not been released yet. To support this, we have made available data upload templates for bulk data entry.

By exploring these templates now, FSC Licence holders can start identifying the most effective ways in their company to configure products on FSC Trace, identify trading partners, and gather information about purchases, manufacturing, and sales in preparation for FSC Trace.

Download the latest templates
FSC Trace Data Upload Templates v0.4 16-07-2024
ZIP, Tamaño: 2.11MB
Introducing the Bulk Data Upload Template for FSC Trace v0.4
PDF, Tamaño: 402.42KB
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How do I get more information?

Throughout 2024, we hosted regular webinars to showcase FSC Trace and address any enquiries our licence holders and other interested stakeholders may have.  

Watch the recording of the latest webinar held on December 10, 2024 here

Access the slides used at the presentation here


More questions? Visit our support page
Access a full list of FAQs on our dedicated support page. If you have more questions, you can reach out to
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