Global Consumer Awareness

From Concern to Action: New Research Reveals Consumers Prioritize Forests in Sustainable Shopping
Consumer is shopping for products

One of the world’s largest consumer studies on forests reveals a strong commitment to address biodiversity and climate concerns through sustainable shopping.

A new global study commissioned by FSC with Ipsos is one of the largest of its kind, surveying 26,800 consumers in 33 countries. It provides new insights into what consumers are concerned about, who they trust to address these concerns, and how they’re acting individually through their purchases to affect change.

FSC Consumer Research 2023 infographic


The study was conducted by Ipsos, which is the third largest market research company in the world, present in 90 markets.

  • The survey was conducted online​ in 33 countries in October and November 2022
  • Samples were designed to be nationally representative as far as realistically possible using online panels. Each country had a sample size of n=800 except USA with n=1,200.
  • List of countries surveyed: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, Peru, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, UK, USA.

(1) Original wording as asked in the survey: Information about sustainability on products should be certified by an independent organization

(2) Includes companies that make/sell wood.paper products and packaging.

Downloadable resources

FSC Consumer Recognition Study - Global Report June 2023.pdf
PDF, Tamaño: 8.59MB
FSC Consumer Recognition Study - Infographic June 2023.pdf
PDF, Tamaño: 1.70MB
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Forest Background

Conviértase en defensor del bosque

Todos tenemos un papel que desempeñar en la protección del futuro de nuestros bosques. Conozca cómo puede unirse al ecosistema FSC y empezar a marcar la diferencia hoy mismo.