Technology with an eye for nature / janiecbros
At FSC, we use both satellite imagery and geographic information system (GIS) maps to collect data that provides proof of organizations’ conservation practices.
Satellite orbiting earth / janiecbros

FSC GIS portal

Forest management auditors needed an easier way to inspect conditions in and around certified forest areas. Enter FSC. We created the FSC GIS Portal, a geospatial web app to help auditors worldwide perform part of their duties remotely and be informed in near real time about logging or other activities in specific locations. The geospatial data can then be combined with satellite imagery to gauge how well an entity is adhering to FSC Principles and Criteria.

A world of data

Our FSC GIS Portal provides geospatial information, like: 
 Wide angle shot of forest in Sweden
FSC / Bablu Singh 
Axe icon

Tree cover loss

Three trees icon

Intact forest landscapes

Hand icon

Protected areas

Location icon

Indigenous and community lands 

Water drop icon

Water courses 

Globe icon

Boundary data of certified forest areas 

FSC certification revolves around earth observation

Spatial analytics allow FSC and the FSC certification bodies worldwide to monitor operations in an objective and transparent way. Satellite analysis of our certified forest areas helps us identify forests being properly preserved and those in danger. And soon, the FSC GIS Portal will be connected to an FSC digital audit reporting tool to improve forest management evaluations and collect data across certificates to help further develop the FSC system. 
Wrench icon

Big technology for smallholders

Preparing for FSC certification and audits can be an expensive, time-consuming process. So our goal with our ever-expanding GIS-based toolbox is to give smallholders and community forest areas access to more cost-effective, user-friendly solutions that incorporate earth observation. 

Highlighting our progress

Highlighting our progress

In 2019, FSC released our first set of GIS-based maps. Stakeholders are now able to digitally identify FSC-certified forest areas on top of a satellite base map. And in 2022 and beyond, our goal will be to continue developing our GIS verification program to enable more satellite monitoring and analysis of certified forest areas. 

A look inside the FSC GIS Portal

Watch how our GIS-based toolbox can prepare you for FSC certification and audits. 

Always listen to nature

The FSC GIS Portal was developed to help survey our lands and protect them for years to come. Learn about the launch of this promising technology.

Forest for the Future podcast
Episode 15: Auditing from the sky. Launch of the FSC GIS portal.
Listen now →
Forest Background

Become a forest steward

We all have a role to play in protecting the future of our forests. Learn how you can join the FSC
ecosystem and start making a difference today.